I did not know Maria Popova had changed Brainpickings name. I've been popping in and out of there for years like I have with your publications. I don't know how either of you read and integrate so much information, but, because of your injury, we've learned a lot about your processes. Do you know if she's ever been interviewed or written a piece about her personal life and work? I would not be surprised if she has but I've not seen it.

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Yes, she's been interviewed a lot over the years. I'll share a few, and her On Being podcast episode is a great one.

- https://onbeing.org/programs/maria-popova-cartographer-of-meaning-in-a-digital-age-feb2019/

- https://tim.blog/2015/07/24/maria-popova-starting-a-successful-blog/

- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/07/books/review/maria-popova-by-the-book.html

- http://thegreatdiscontent.com/interview/maria-popova (2012)

There are lots more if this isn't enough, if you look up her name + interview.

Thanks for reading, Randy!

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merci beaucoup

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