Holy CAE, gulp. August indeed a doozy for long read(s). September's got to be better 😜

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Hope some of the links bring you joy!

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Joy is good. Laughter even better as along as it doesn't hurt 😜🫰

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Sep 2Liked by Jodi Ettenberg

Thank you Jodi! Lots of great stuff here. I especially like the article on Firefly Petunias and the dog photos. Hope you are doing better.

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Glad you found some gems in there. Thank you for reading!

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Wow these links look so good I need to find a better way to read them than just on the phone. Thank you so much!!!

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I debated making a list each month on Pocket or Instapaper that people could download, but unfortunately I’m not well enough to add that extra step. Hope you enjoy when you’re able to dive in!

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Oh I’m so sorry if this came across as your responsibility to find another way to read. No the ball is firmly in my court to make it work with a self imposed goal to reduce my phone time :)

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Don't worry, it didn't come across that way — it's genuinely something I thought would be fun to do. :) Thank you for clarifying!

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Joy is good. Laughter even better as long as it doesn't hurt 😜🫰

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Sep 3Liked by Jodi Ettenberg

Sorry to hear about your latest challenge. Glad to hear that you got good care at the hospital. Having a 1 pager to hand to medical staff is a great idea. I’m pretty sure you’ve thought about this but there are some companies and researchers looking into treatment options for resetting the immune system. The immune system is such a complex but critical system that we all take for granted… https://researchfeatures.com/novel-drugs-help-reset-dysfunctional-immune-systems/

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Thank you Steve! Will have a read of that post. I have been paying attention to this research, as you guessed — I'm very curious to see where it goes. For MCAS patients, there's a receptor called Mrgprb2 that is mast cell-specific, and involved in mast cell degranulation and pain. I'm also watching to see where research goes on that front (see https://www.nature.com/articles/s12276-024-01230-1 and for UC, https://www.dovepress.com/mast-cell-specific-receptor-mrgprb2-regulating-experimental-colitis-is-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-JIR)

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Sep 4Liked by Jodi Ettenberg

The series on obesity was fascinating and led to many interesting offshoots. Thanks for sharing!

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

I'm glad you found it interesting! Thanks for reading CAE. 🐦‍⬛

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